Whether your goal is to lose weight, join a gym, stop smoking, change your diet, change your lifestyle etc., having a solid plan can make the difference between failure and success. Focus and commitment is key. Once you have made a commitment, you are more likely to stick with it.
So this year, why not make a commitment to look and feel better, lose a few pounds, nourish your body and mind, and feel more energetic! Easier said than done you say?? Anything is possible. Having a positive attitude is key and a willingness to step out of the box. Beginning a new relationship with food is a step in the right direction.
Being a registered nutritionist, I am a firm believer that we are what we eat! Eating the correct foods can help our bodies thrive. Consuming the wrong foods can be detrimental to our health.
It is of vital importance that our foods are:
- Of highest quality
- Unrefined and unprocessed
- As natural as possible
- High in antioxidants (antioxidants help the prevention of many diseases)
As Hippocrates once said. “Let Food be thy Medicine, Thy Medicine shall be Thy Food.”
So, with this in mind, here are 12 Super Foods I am suggesting this year to include in your diet for a healthier you…
- Green Tea – rich in antioxidants (studies have suggested that antioxidants fight off cancer, colds/flues and have the potential to be anti-aging)
- Broccoli – high in Vitamin C and contains anti-cancerous properties
- Yogurt – Choose All Natural because it’s high in probiotics. It helps re-culture the good flora in the large intestine, helps maintain regular bowel movements, and supports the immune system.
- Berries – Wild and organic berries are an excellent source of fibre and high in antioxidants. Helps with inducing satiety and helps reduce food intake which is helpful for weight management.
- Pomegranates – are an antioxidant superstar! This fruit is high in Vitamin C and acts as an anti-inflammatory.
- Garlic – a must have in everyone’s diet. Garlic has some great and powerful properties. It helps lower total cholesterol and blood pressure. It is also a liver friendly food that assists in liver detoxification and destroys infection-causing viruses and bacteria.
- Oats – are a great source of soluble fibre, which helps lower bad cholesterol. Can also help lower blood glucose after a meal and are important for maintaining colon health.
- Quinoa – an excellent alternative grain that is gluten free and high in protein. Quinoa contains fibre, antioxidants and may help lower triglycerides.
- Buckwheat – this grain is a health powerhouse. High in protein and amino acids Lysine and Arginine, buckwheat is gluten free and helps in lowering cholesterol.
- Cold-water fish – consume wild salmon, sardines, herring, and mackerel. They are a great source of Vitamin D and Calcium and a great source of essential fatty acids, which are of vital importance to our health.
- Cinnamon – this warming spice can help lower blood sugar levels, aid digestion, and help reduce inflammation.
- Nuts and seeds – ‘Go Nuts’. Nuts and seeds are high in protein, contain healthy fats (Omega 3 and 6). Nuts and seeds help reduce visible signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagging skin, helps control your weight with no hunger pangs and dramatically decreases your risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Of course, raw is always better and always consume in moderation.
Also, always remember to include more fruits and vegetables in your diet, and incorporate good fats such as olive oil, flaxseed oil, and nut oils too.
To help with weight loss, eat smaller portions, limit intake of carbohydrates, and yes, do get some form of exercise at least 3 times a week – your heart and arteries will thank you.
And don’t forget to drink pure clean water every day!
So go to it! Altering your diet doesn’t take a great deal of effort. Commitment, yes. Just know you are doing yourself good. So get on board and set your health and diet intentions! Make better food choices, try making small changes, keep a positive attitude, exercise, get adequate rest and start feeling and looking better. Your energy will soar!
Wishing you an exciting journey to greater health and freedom.